Responsible, intelligent food choices have a positive impact – not only on our health and well-being, but also on the health of our planet.
Started in 1992 by K.C. Raghu, a food technologist with around 3 decades of experience in product formulation, analysis, and medical diets; Pristine Organics aims to reconnect us to the organic whole foods that sustain and nourish us. Based out of Bangalore, they produce a varied range of millet based products and their grains are available in the market under the brand name “Nutrillet”.
Pristine Organics is one of the largest organic baby food manufacturers in India and is a pioneer in manufacturing organic and nutritional products using diverse crops. Millets are the common thread that runs through different categories of food that Pristine Organics manufactures starting from millet-based breakfast cereals, bread, biscuits, infant food and specialized food for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM).

“In the initial days, Millet-based bread and biscuits were a tough nut to crack. Since gluten-free grains lack elasticity they proved harder to work with.” says K C Raghu
This is where Pristine Organics’ two decades of experience in research and development came into play helping them create their products including nutraceuticals, functional foods, medical and metabolic diets. Their multi-millet bread, currently available in Bangalore, provides a healthy alternative to white bread.
Supply chain management was the next big hurdle but their tie-ups with FPO, farmer cooperatives and individual farmers along the way helped them manage the steady supply of high-quality grains. Pristine Organics is also committed to making their product, environment friendly. They work with the farmers to introduce sustainable agriculture practices and low input farming techniques apart from helping them to source the right variety of seeds.
At the consumer end, they’ve noticed that their Millet biscuits have attracted a lot of attention particularly the Diet biscuits, which are a great snack for people with diabetes. Their Deccan Coffee is also being very well appreciated for its aroma and taste. Their Ragi baby food has been one of their most successful millet products.
To know more about Pristine Organics and to purchase their products, check out their website: