For the base
200g digestive biscuits
85g unsalted butter
60g crystal sugar

i. Put the biscuits into a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin. Put biscuit crumbs in the bowl. Add sugar
and butter then mix well by hand. Press over the base and sides of a 20cm (8inch)loose bottomed cake tin and leave to set in the fridge.
ii. In a large bowl, put the millet flour, an egg and cold milk and stir well until there is no dry ingredient seen.
Set aside.
iii. Get a medium saucepan , pour the measured milk, fresh milk, sugar and vanilla essence and boil. At the same time, mix gelatin powder and cold water in a bowl and put the bowl on boiling water until the gelatin is melted.
iv. Pour the hot cream from the sauce pan to the melted gelatin powder but not vice versa. Stir well and sieve, pour that cream in the bowl of mixed millet flour, stir well with a wire whisk and put back on fire in a saucepan. cook until its thick solid , gradually remove from fire then add the lemon juice. Whisk continuously.
v. Turn the mixture into the tin on top of the biscuit crust and chill in the fridge to set for 2 or 3hours before serving.

100g milk
200g fresh cream
2 teaspoon vanilla essence
70g crystal sugar
14g gelatin powder
50g cold water
75g millet flour
75g cold milk
1 egg
2medium lemons (Juice)

Recipe courtesy of
