Sorghum has been deteriorating for 6,000 years

Sorghum has been deteriorating for 6,000 years

10 Apr 2019 ALL ABOUT FEED Sorghum, a cereal used to feed livestock and make alcohol has been damaged over the last 6,000 years by humans, researchers from the University of Warwick in the UK says. The researchers address in a new paper, published in the Journal...
Cover crops that take the heat

Cover crops that take the heat

Apr 10, 2019 Journal Plant Materials Centers in the Southeast are gathering data on different types of cover crops that landowners can use during the summer months. We often think of cover crops as being planted after a cash crop is harvested in the fall. But what if...
Chapatis of Pearl Millet For A Changing Climate

Chapatis of Pearl Millet For A Changing Climate

Crop Wild Relatives The people of rural India love their bajra chapatis. These flatbreads made of pearl millet flour are a highly nutritious staple in the diet of millions of Indians. And farmers love pearl millet because it will grow where other crops just do not...